National Chapter Award 2024 goes to Spain
Spain National Chapter has been given the InterPore National Chapter Award 2024 in recognition for its activity in the recent years and its contribution to the InterPore Society. The Chapter is formed by over 60 members. In the past years the Chapter has organized five annual meetings, started a newsletter and maintained this website. Congratulations to all member for the award and thank to the former and current board for their work!
V Annual Meeting recap
The V Annual Meeting and Spanish InterPore Chapter was held at the Red Cube of the Polytechnic City of Innovation, Technical University of Valencia Valencia on November 18th, 2024. The meeting featured three invited speakers:
- Lluis Marsal (URV): Porous anodic alumina development and structural engineering.
- Pilar Bosch Roig (UPV): Nuevos tratamientos para proteger nuestro patrimonio cultural: Probióticos y antibióticos.
- Rubén Juanes (MIT): Fluids, fingers, fractures and fractals: Patterns in porous media. Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecture 2024.
In addition the Meeting program had four contributed talks from Daniel Dominguez-Vazquez, Douglas Moser, Eike Thaysen and Adrián López, and a poster session with thirteen presenters. The workshop provided a forum for knowledge exchange and creating new links between researchers in different porous media disciplines from academia and industry for over 30 attendees.
V Annual Meeting Gallery

V Annual Meeting program available.
The V Annual Meeting program is available. The meeting will feature three invited speakers:
- Lluis Marsal (URV): Porous anodic alumina development and structural engineering.
- Pilar Bosch Roig (UPV): Nuevos tratamientos para proteger nuestro patrimonio cultural: Probióticos y antibióticos.
- Rubén Juanes (MIT): Fluids, fingers, fractures and fractals: Patterns in porous media. Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecture 2024.
There will also five contributed talks and a poster session. Check the details in the Meeting program.
About the meeting.
The annual meeting will take place in Valencia on November 18th, 2024 in the Red Cube of the Polytechnic City of Innovation, Technical University of Valencia. Check the brochure for more information (versión en castellano).
V Annual Meeting not posponed.
The organizing committee expresses its deepest condolences to all who have been victims of the last week heavy rainfall and flash floods. The committee has decided to maintain the date of the V Annual Meeting will not be postponed and it will take place on November 18th as planned.
About the meeting.
The annual meeting will take place in Valencia on November 18th, 2024 in the Red Cube of the Polytechnic City of Innovation, Technical University of Valencia. Check the brochure for more information (versión en castellano).
V Annual Meeting. Registration and confirmed speakers.
The registration for the V Annual meeting of the Spanish Chapter is open! The registration is free of charge. Please fill the registration form using the link below.
Confirmed speakers.

Porous anodic alumina development and structural engineering.
Lluis F. Marsal. Full Professor at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. He does research and teaching in the areas of optoelectronics, photonics and nanotechnology. Prof. Marsal leads the consolidated research group NePhoS (Nano-electronic and Photonic Systems).

(CANCELADA) Structural and mechanical properties of active materials.
Chantal Valeriani. Associate Professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Her research focuses on the mechanical features of bacterial biofilms and colloid behavior in different environments.

Nuevos tratamientos para proteger nuestro Patrimonio Cultural: probióticos y antibióticos.
Pilar Bosch Roig. Associate Professor at the Universitat Politècnica de València and researcher at the Institut Universitari de Restauració del Patrimoni (IRP) (IRP). Her research focuses on the application of biotechnology for the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage.

Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecture 2024.
Fluids, Fingers, Fractures and Fractals: Patterns in Porous Media.
Rubén Juanes. Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research combines theory, simulation and experiments that elucidate fundamental aspects of multi-fluid flow in the areas of energy and the environment.
About the meeting.
The annual meeting will take place in Valencia on November 18th, 2024 in the Red Cube of the Polytechnic City of Innovation, Technical University of Valencia. Check the brochure for more information (versión en castellano).
V Annual Meeting in November
The V Annual meeting of the Spanish Chapter will meet in Valencia on November 18th, 2024 in the Red Cube of the Polytechnic City of Innovation, Technical University of Valencia. Registration will open next September 12th. Check the brochure for more information (versión en castellano).

Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecture at UPM

Professor Ruben Juanes from MIT will deliver the Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecture “Man-made Earthquakes and the Energy Transtion” at the ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos (Ciudad Universitaria), Technical University of Madrid, next April 15th at 13h in the Sala Torres Quevedo. Entry is free. No previous registration is required.
Man-made Earthquakes and the Energy Transtion
While the most devastating earthquakes are of tectonic origin, human activities have been associated with the triggering of earthquakes that have caused substantial economic damage and societal concern. Critical gaps remain in our ability to understand and, more importantly, mitigate, the occurrence of induced earthquakes. This lecture will discuss some of Prof. Juanes work employing contrasting approaches to help fill these gaps : from minimal-ingredients spring-slider models that account for poroelasticity to sophisticated multiphysics computational models that integrate disparate datasets and have succeeded at setting management strategies that prevent earthquakes while allowing subsurface operations in a tectonically active field.
Short bio.
Prof. Ruben Juanes is a Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, both in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences. He has an outstanding track record of achievements and contributions to the field of porous media research, by his commitment to excellence in education and mentoring and by his exceptional skills as lecturer and communicator. Ruben Juanes is a world-renowned expert in the field of multiphase flow in porous media. His research aims at advancing fundamental understanding and predictive capabilities of the simultaneous flow of two or more fluids through rocks, soils, and other porous materials. It combines theory, simulation, and experiments, to elucidate fundamental aspects of multiphase flow. His contributions provide fundamental understanding of natural phenomena and have the potential to radically advance the deployment of energy systems, which depend critically on multiphase flow processes.
IV Annual Meeting program available
The IV Annual Meeting program is available. The meeting will feature four invited speakers:
- Alfonso Rodriguez Dono (UPC): Modelling heterogeneous porous geomaterials
- Zuleyma T. Karpyn (PennState): Experimental investigation of gas storage capacity in ultratight rocks
- Silvia Lacorte (IDAEA): Muestreadores cerámicos pasivos para la medida de la contaminación en aguas
- Emilie Coene (Amphos21): Reactive Transport Modelling of Carbon Mineralization – a Machine Learning-based approach
There will also six contributed talks and a poster session. Check the details in the Meeting program.
Registration for the IV Annual Meeting open
The IV annual meeting will take place in Barcelona on the 20th of November, 2023 at DFactory with the collaboration of AMPHOS21.
To attend the meeting, register in the meeting using the following form: Registration
Find out more about the meeting in the brochure (versión en castellano).

III Annual Meeting talks available
The talks from the III Annual meeting of the Spanish Chapter of InterPore are now available in our YouTube channel.
Featured talks:
- Carolina Guardiola-Albert (IGME): Subsidencia por explotación de aguas subterráneas en el acuífero detrítico de Madrid.
- Jaime Gomez-Hernandez (UPV): Ensemble Random Forest Filter.
- Alberto Fernandez-Nieves (UB, ICREA): Grains, ants, active matter, and the emergent behavior of ant columns.
- Vicente Navarro (UCLM): Modelización de un sistema de bentonita granular como un conjunto discreto de unidades del continuo.
- Jean Vaunat (UPC): Formación y disociación de hidratos de metano en sedimentos marinos. Problemática, procesos físicos y modelación.
- Eugenio Sanz (UPM): Paleohidrogeologia de un sistema kárstico de Fuentetoba, Cordillera